Weight Loss Solutions

Free Weight Loss Consultations
FDA Approved
Once a week injection
The ideal weight loss solution for persons wanting to lose the extra weight or just those stubborn pounds hanging on for dear life. Studies have shown it to be especially beneficial for those needing to lose with added high blood pressure issues or Diabetes.
With our program you get:
4 injections (once weekly)
Monthly body analysis, weight-in, measurements
Open communication with our NP
Dietary guidance
All you have to do is schedule your free consultation, get started, & feel the difference. Imagine yourself as your ideal image.

Studies have also shown added benefits of use:
Improved Fertility
Treatment of PCOS
Smoking Cessation
Cardiovascular Benefits
Semaglutide + B12 has been referred to as "Gastric By-pass in a shot".

Begin your journey today by booking a FREE CONSULTATION.
Please Call Us Today: 864-419-7896 or fill out the contact form below.